
Raise your hand if you’ve got some gorgeous Tarot deck squirrelled away at the back of the drawer that you have promised yourself you will one day turn into a proper reading deck!

Me too – loads of them!

This is why I wrote Tarot Kaizen, a collection of 100+ exercises to help you turn a deck into a hard-working tool that deserves its place in your Tarot toolbox.

To work through the book on your own – this is what you need:

  • A gorgeous Rider-Waite-Smith style deck that you want to turn into a working deck.

  • Commitment to the daily exercises listed in the book.

  • A working knowledge of how to read Tarot cards.

  • A journal/jotter/notepad to keep a hard record of your answers.

  • And a copy of either Tarot Kaizen in paperback or ebook, both available from Amazon.

Some people work best within a group and this is why I set up Tarot Kaizen (now going into its 9th cycle) on Facebook. This is a closed and secret group where all the exercises within the book are posted in the Units section.  You are expected to work through them, one exercise per day (Mon – Fri) for 22 weeks.

You can join in or hop out at any point, of course!

Once a year we run a group Tarot Kaizen journey where all members are invited to take part in working together through our own chosen decks. Some people take part only for areas of the deck that they struggle with, some stalwarts make it right through to the end of the 22 weeks!


To take part you need the same items as listed above and while it would be useful to own a copy of the book for off-line study, it is not essential because the exercises are all in the group’s Units section.

To take part in the group costs £50.00 and this gives you access to all the facebook community learning exercises in the group at ANY time you wish to study a new deck AND you are invited to take part in the annual group journeys where we work through our chosen decks together.

Want to take part in a Tarot Kaizen group? Sign up for our newsletter to receive notification on when the next group is running.